my personal website with random stuff. updated sometimes. this site will probably look better on desktop... im not very good at html, so this is what you get. thanks for stopping by anyways! this site is very much still a WIP...

take my buttons..

stamps moment

omg blinkies

i guess i should tell you a bit about me... my name is PJ and i am TWENTY years old. i live in ARIZONA in the UNITED STATES, if thats important to you. i am BISEXUAL, and i am a GIRL. I HATE CODING!!!!
1/31/24 holy shit.
1/12/23 working on chnaging the whole site...
1/6/23 - general updates.
10/3/22 - added the music and recs page!
9/12/22 - completely changed the whole site lol.
9/11/22 - uploaded my first blog :D
9/10/2022 - update log added
9/9/2022 - site created... HELLO!
SkinnyNStupid ยท Alex G - Pretend