general life update.


heres a general life update:

lots of stuff has happened... kind of. it's a lot to me at least. i got my job at mcdonalds back, i'm back to making 14 an hour which is kinda nice, but i'd like to make more, cost of living is ridiculous these days! if you read my last blog before i went off the grid, i am still very obsessed with john... and im back to wanting to move to where he lives, and im even wanting to start taking weekend trips to see his band (he is in a band... they played this past weekend... more on that later.) im saving money for that. im kinda seeing someone... mio from the convention. i've started budgeting my money! hopefully im able to keep up with that. i went to a convention this past weekend, it was really fun. i love being able to see my friends. the next convention is in december. tickle my pickle is still going strong...

you'll never believer who messaged me yesterday! beth! how unexpected... ive never talked about it on here... maybe one day... she was part of my old friend group. she apologized for everything and i found out some stuff about my other old friends that shocked me... maybe ill go into detail about it on here one day. not today though, i've talked about it enough for one day.

me and skye have been talking a lot which is always fun, we've been playing overwatch together and its really cool. im gonna buy her a birthday/christmas gift when i get paid.

back to john though... before i went to the convention last weekend, i cried over him. his band was playing a show the same weekend as the con, and even though i'd have no way to even get to where he is, i felt as if i was betraying him. I felt horrible, i felt like i wasn't trying hard enough to get to him. idk.

i got my wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago, and i was always afraid of those videos of people acting stupid when they got out of anesthesia, because i didnt want to make a fool of myself, but i was fine for the most part. i didn't say anything weird, i was just a bit wobbly on my feet.

i'm not really sure what else i can talk about right now... oh! i'm starting college in january, and i'm hoping i'll have a car and my license by then, so that's exciting... hmmmm... im going to update the rest of the website again. i haven't touched it in a while haha.

here's a quote to send you off, till next time!

1/6/23 - general updates.
10/3/22 - added the music and recs page!
9/12/22 - completely changed the whole site lol.
9/11/22 - uploaded my first blog :D
9/10/2022 - update log added
9/9/2022 - site created... HELLO!